How To Take Care Of Begonia

Avoid overwatering as it can cause root rot and use proper well-drained soil. Only plant begonias outside in May when no more frosts are forecast.

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Grow this plant in dappled shade in the garden or in the shade house to enjoy its large coloured blooms.

How to take care of begonia. First remove the water from the bottom of the pot before watering If the type of begonia at home you are having is rex begonia you can water them by using sprayer and do it twice a week to provide high humidity and prevent them from. How to take care of begonias. Start by giving them a weak dose of half or quarter strength liquid fertilizer in early spring.

Water regularly and feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser like tomato feed. The underside is red and the flowers of Begonia benigo are pink. Normal room temperature at other times.

This is not a low light houseplant. Light next to watering is the most misunderstood topic in houseplant care. An African violet potting mix also works well for growing begonias.

Once flowering is over. In autumn dig up tuberous begonias and. This species is an angel-wing variety of begonia that is distinguished by its large glossy leaves and silver or pale pink spots that embellish the leaf blades.

So keep them in a location where they can get sunlight for a few hours in the morning or evening. Flowering plants need up to 4 hours direct sunlight. This species produces thin fleshy translucent light green prostrate stems carrying medium sized cordiform light green leaves with irregular serrated margins slightly fleshy.

Water wax begonias at the base to avoid. Minimum winter temperature of 55F13C. Begonias prefer bright indirect sunlight.

When caring for begonias keep the plants in containers water regularly spray with a soil activator and keep the soil loose. A well-draining soil or potting mix simplifies this task. The Elatior Begonia also known as the Rieger Begonia belongs to the Begoniaceae genus which is the 6th largest flowering plant genus worldwide.

How do you care for a Begonia maculata plant. This plant was used in the golden ages to treat different conditions like bronchitis flu and other skin conditions because it has antibacterial properties. Feed tuberous begonias weekly with tomato feed in summer especially pot-grown plants.

Then gradually increase the dose so youre feeding them weekly as part of your regular begonia plant care routine during the summer. How to care of begonia Wax begonias can be started from seeds. Foliage plants require bright light not the direct sun.

Find out how to care for two d. How to take care of Begonia sutherlandii September 14 2020 Begonia sutherlandii is a perennial herbaceous tuberous herbaceous plant native to southern Africa. Plant tubers of tuberous begonias in spring.

Once appropriately placed in the flower bed or hanging basket deadheading spent blooms and keeping the soil moist is the basis of annual begonia care. Tuberous Begonias tend to be outdoor plants and feature spectacularly large and brightly-colored flowers that can easily last for the whole summer. Cane-like begonias such as the maculata like brighter light.

Begonias will benefit from regular feedings during their active growing season spring and summer. The Dragon Wing Begonia is another member of the Cane Begonia family it is very similar to the Angel Wing Begonia in terms of both care and appearance. Watering correctly is important in the care of begonias.

When grown indoors Begonia maculata does like some partial sun. Soil should remain moist but not too wet. Further Im going to give you a complete guide on caring for begonias their watering sunlight and all other requirements.

Taking care of begonias requires bringing them inside for the winter and keeping them in the shade during the summer as they prefer mild temperatures. Annual Begonia Care. Provide indirect sunlight free-draining soil mix and keep the soil moist.

PLANT CARE Begonia Fibrous.

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