
Showing posts from March, 2022

Asparagus Fern Plant Care

Pot on in spring. Cut your asparagus fern to the ground in early spring every three years to keep the plant full from base to tip.

Large Bonsai Tree

According to Wikipedia the largest size bonsai are called Imperial Bonsai also Eight-handed bonsai which are up to 80 tall almost seven feet or about two meters. They look great on patios and terraces either alone or in groups with other bonsai of various sizes.

Anthurium How To Care

Avoid the three deadly mistakes of. In the winter period the Anthurium plant should be watered once a week.

Propagate A Pothos

Once it stops dripping place the pot where you want it to live and care for it like a normal pothos. Pothos can be propagated both in water and soil.

Begonia Rex Care

I have killed every one I have ownedeither a swift. Whereas during the winter months you should water your rex begonia less because it goes dormant and is more likely to drop its leaves.

Bonsai Tree Care Instructions

If the plant is only getting a little water it will become dehydrated and wither. As a general rule allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings avoid letting it.

How Much Light Do Pothos Need

Pothos plant should not receive direct sunlight because that can burn its leaves. The Marble Queen needs medium to bright indirect sunlight but will also do well in low light.

Blue Pothos Plant

If you want to grow your own houseplants these are some of the easiest to start and maintain. Baltic Blue Pothos Plant Features Baltic Blue pothos is a must-have plant for pothos or aroid fans who are looking for something new and different to add to their houseplant collections.

Bonsai Lego Tree

Save 5 with coupon. This MOC is an alternative build for Lego set 21318 and uses only pieces from that set it might use spare pieces.

Bonsai How To

The Slanting style isnt that different to the windswept or that of the. Identifying Suitable Material for Bonsai 5 posts showing what you can and cant learn from trees at different stages of development.

Kinds Of Bonsai

Azalea-One of the most beautiful and well known flowering types of bonsai is famous worldwideBamboo bonsai Not easy but beautiful. The Japanese Maple is one of the most popular Outdoor Bonsai tree types.

Lemon Lime Philodendron Light

The striking heart-shaped foliages with green-yellowish colors are the reason behind the plants popularity in many American homes. It prefers bright indirect light and enjoys warm humid conditions so misting the leaves occasionally is a good idea.

Monstera Deliciosa Split Leaf

Hereof do all Monstera leaves split. The specific epithet deliciosa means delicious referring to the edible fruit.

Pilea Peperomioides Hanging

Choose an option 6 Hanging Basket 4 Clear. Pilea Peperomioides are extremely popular houseplants right now.

Heart Shaped Monstera

With their broad heart shaped leaves and glossy green foliage Monstera deliciosa plants are incredibly trendy right now. Close Up Video of Heart Shaped Cutouts on a.

Yellow And Green Pothos

It offers deep green heart-shaped leaves on long cascading stems. Yellowing golden pothos is a sign of watering light temperature and nutritional imbalances.

Yellowing Leaves On Monstera

These pests will attach to the plant and suck out the plant juices. The most common cause of yellowing leaves among Monsteras is improper soil moisturein particular overwatering.

Why Does My Peace Lily Have Yellow Leaves

Another reason can be due to fungus and which can cause leaf spot diseases. There is a good chance however that it is due to a buildup of minerals.

Varieties Of Philodendron

Philodendron MoonlightFluorescent green foliage can be. One of the most easily noticeable things that set the Hastatum apart from other types of philodendron is the shape and color of its leaves.

Monstera Thai Constellation Vs Albo

Monstera Albo Borsigiana can revert although this seems to be rare. Slow growth means more time in between cuttings.

How Often Should I Water A Pothos Plant

To achieve this wateringtechnique allow only the top two inches to dry being sure that theroots are still moistIf the leaves are wilting or turning brownyou should water the plant more often. You should water a pothos plant when the top inch or so of soil is dry.

Spider Plant Big

It usually starts to grow from a small white flower and grows to be a big plant suitable for indoors and a houseplant. The plants tuberous roots allows the species to thrive despite.

Split Leaf Pothos

Each type has different pothos plant care requirements with regards to light. If youve ever wondered how to divide Pothos plants this goes for Philodendrons too.

Memphis Bonsai

Lock Unlock financial insights by subscribing to our monthly plan. The companys filing status is listed as Inactive - Dissolved Administrative and its File Number is 000363929.

Soil For Snake Plants

A ready-to-use soilless potting mix made for tropical plants works well for snake plants. Its because of its drainage properties.

New Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Brown Spots

If you have a Fiddle Leaf Fig that has extensive brown leaf spots and the leaves are falling off then this is probably what is causing the problem. Brown spots can occur on a Fiddle Leaf Fig from underwatering.

6 Foot Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Live

The Fiddle Leaf Fig is easily recognizable and loved for its distinctive foliage. 40 out of 5 stars.

Can You Grow Peace Lily In Water

No dirt All the rest of the plant is in the air. Do not over-water them as they dont like wet feet.

Different Types Of Monstera Plants

Monstera is a genus of plants containing 45 different species including the Monstera Deliciosa and Monstera Adansonii and many more. Top 8 Monstera Plant Types and Varieties for Indoor Use.

Albino Variegated Monstera

Monstera albo variegata extra highly variegated with 2 stems - shipped with phytosanitary certificate BektasBloemenPlanten 5 out of 5 stars 838. Lengkapi kebutuhan rumah anda dengan Monstera Albino terbaik berkualitas di Tokopedia.

Can You Plant A Peace Lily Outdoors

What you need to know about a peace lily. Peace Lilies can easily survive outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10-12.

Are There Different Types Of Monstera

All species of monstera plants are toxic to children and pets. However despite such an expansive species some are much more common than others.

Ginseng Ficus Bonsai Care

Another popular Ficus species is the Ficus Ginseng. This will allow an easier recovery for the wound.

Snake Plants Variety

It is native to West Africa. Read about the scientifically proven snake plant benefits here 4.

Artificial Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree In Pot

This tall artificial fiddle leaf fig tree by Pure Garden is sure to brighten up any room. Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Primrue Part.

Philodendron Birkin No Variegation

Philodendron Birkin is a stunning variety that develops pure white pinstripes on its foliage growing ever more variegated as the plant maturesNo two plants are alike and yours will have its own unique shape size and personality. As such Philodendron Birkin is one of the many varieties referred to as cultivars of Philodendron that doesnt technically have a natural habitatIts the result of a spontaneous mutation of Philodendron Rojo Congo itself a patented cultivarPhilodendron Birkin care.

Split Leaf Monstera Care

There are three main factors to consider here. Although youth is the most likely culprit behind your monstera leaves not splitting it is also possible that the growing conditions may not be ideal.

Different Types Of Jade Plants

26 Crassula marnieriana Jade Necklace. Youll be quite surprised to know that there are over 1400 jade plant varieties and some are quite rare and expensive too.

Juniper Bonsai Tree

Junipers are great as outdoor trees and are very hardy trees. Juniper tree requires bright sunlight in order to develop fully.

Peace Lily Stems Turning Yellow

Another typical sign of underwatering is that your peace lilies leaves may begin to curl or drop off altogether as your peace lily. A great way of knowing the peace lily is dying is to check the bottom leaves.

Marble Queen Pothos Humidity

The marble queen pothos plant does great in the environment of the level of relative humidity but will develop in very little humidity present in the surrounding environment. Others keep that lemony or limey tinge even as the leaves age.

Tall Begonia Plants

Begonias grow in USDA hardiness zones 8 to 10 and they bloom from summer through frost. Their distinct foliage makes them a popular houseplant but they can be finicky.

Care Of Bonsai Trees

Bonsai trees are miniature trees but they are very much alive trees. Pop your bonsai into the tray.

Philodendron Type

Philodendron types include vining and bush philodendrons. Its fast-growing leaves emerge bronze and then quickly turn into glossy green.

How To Care For A Philodendron

Dont over-water and avoid soggy soilone tell-tale sign of over-watering in a philodendron is the leaves turning yellow and drooping. Follow the manufacturers instructions and do not overfeed.

Bonsai Contracts

Download Bonsai Contract System for free. Invoicing is a huge part of your life as a freelancer.

Pilea Peperomioides Tree

Pileas of all varieties are predisposed towards etiolation or becoming leggy. Pilea peperomioides is an easy to grow modern looking houseplant.

Gardenia Pickled Vegetables Recipe

Have more boiling hot vinegar handy in case you need more to top off the jars Have more boiling hot vinegar handy in case you need more to top off the jars. Remove air bubbles and wipe jar rims.

How Much Water Does A Pothos Plant Need

Pothos planted in bigger pots need more water 3-4 cups or according to the pot size you own. In the absence of the same your plant may struggle to grow rapidly.

Monstera Plants In The Wild

Monstera are native to southern Mexico and are a variety of breadfruit. In the wild the woody vines of Monstera deliciosa climb tall trees for support.

Pilea Light Requirements

Pilea involucrata likes bright indirect light but can handle a range of conditions. Though they are technically a member of the Succulent family exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided as it can burn the leaves.

Brussel Bonsai Nursery

Bright spacious almost 20000 sq. Ad Bonsai Seeds for only 399.

Peace Lily Funeral Plants

Peace Lilies We Keep Several Sizes Of Peace Lilies In Stock As They Are Always Popular For Sympathy Gifts These Vari Peace Lily Funeral Flowers Order Flowers Source: These care instructions can be found online as well. Peace lily funeral plants . A regular Peace Lily plant can grow up to 24-40 inches while there are some that can even grow up to 50 inches. In Latin the term Spathiphyllum translates to peace and prosperity Peace Lilies can be described as having star-shaped white flowers with rich. Peace Lily Plants Care Of Peace Lilies WE CARRY THESE YEAR ROUND. A peace lily tattoo has a lot of symbolism behind it. Undeniably elegant this display makes a strong statement without being exaggerated. What is the Symbolism of a Peace Lily Tattoo. They are green plants with white blooms and can grow anywhere from 16 inches to 6. Wallis is remembered for his discovery in the Peace Lilys Latin name of S. To do this take a knife starting at the bottom of the r...

English Ivy Leaves Turning Brown

Is there any webbing on the plant English Ivy is spider mites magnet. An infection in the leaf petiole causes the petiole to become black.

Care For Marble Queen Pothos

Plant parents describe this plant as a fast grower and easy to propagate with a whopping 1906 being grown with Greg around the world. Place the pot on a tray of wet pebbles or put a layer of moistened sponge at the bottom.

How To Take Pothos Cuttings

Theres no one size fits all for how big or small the cutting should be. Set the cuttings in a potting mixture of half peat moss and half perlite or sand.

Bonsai Ficus Pruning

However most people do it in mid-summer or after. If the ficus tree is healthy you can prune the leaves.

Pilea Care

What is the lowest temperature Pilea can live with. Is Pilea safe for pets.

Monstera Variegata Albo

It was created in a lab in Thailand from tissue culture. Monstera Albo Borsigiana Variegata is a genetically modified specimen that has green and white variegation instead of being uniformly green.

Juniper Bonsai Tree Outdoor

Its compact foliage makes it one of the best candidates to become a Bonsai. Outdoor can be very vulnerable to extreme cold weather.

How To Care For Juniper Bonsai

If you are keeping your juniper bonsai tree indoors then you should place it near a window where it will receive sunlight. Spray once a month with household plant insecticide.

Longest Living Bonsai Tree

It is the primary tree displayed at the Italian Bonsai Museum at Crespi. This indoor bonsai tree can tolerate and adapt to a warm climate.

Monstera Deliciosa In Nature

Monstera Deliciosa is a species of plant that grows natively in the tropical forests from Mexico to Panama. Get 10 free photos.

Pothos Cebu

If like me youre sharply running out of bright indirect spots known as houseplant prime real estate in our household you can always whack it under. And because Rhaphis are so sought after it was inevitable that plant shops would start selling Cebu Blue Pothos in mature form as Rhaphis.

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Light Requirements

This aroid loves to keep its soil moist. Doing so will scorch its leaves.

Pilea Pepperomia

It is grown primarily for its unique foliage - and although it can produce small white flowers throughout the spring months the Pilea peperomioides often does not flower when grown indoors. It isnt very tasty however.

Silver Satin Philodendron

A mature Silver Satin can grow vines between 4-10 feet long depending on conditions. The satin pothos Scindapsus pictus is a vine plant that has dark green leaves with silvery markingsAlso called the satin silver pothos this slow-growing trailing houseplant is very easy to care forThe eye-catching tropical plant looks stunning growing in hanging baskets or climbing up a moss poleHow to care for satin pothos.

Peace Lily Burnt Leaves

Various species hybrids and cultivars of peace lilies Spathiphyllum spp are grown as herbaceous perennials in US. High levels of fertility tend to cause necrotic burned leaf tips and margins on peace lily.

Mini Monstera Soil

Alternatively you can place your. As for the commercial mixes the one for orchids works just fine as soil for monstera.

N Joy Pothos Plant

Pothos NJoy also known as Epipremnum aureum NJoy is a lovely trailing indoor plant or vine featuring cream and green variegated leaves. This is on account of its mesmerizing appearance and relative ease of maintenance.

How Do You Grow A Bonsai Tree

It can be done at any time of the year. Cut open your lemon and remove a seed.

Dracanea Marginata

Dracaena marginata is a member of the ancient dragon tree family and is found growing wild in Mauritius. Dracaena marginata colorama Probably the brightest out of the dracaena family the colorama takes on a pinkish tinge on one side of the leaf while the green is located on the underside.

How To Care For A Bonsai Tree Inside

One of the main problems with keeping a bonsai tree indoors is that the light intensity light indoors is much lower as compared outdoors. Once the soil looks dry or almost become completely dry do not hesitate to add water.

Peace Lily Brown

However Peace Lilies love humid environments and if the air is too dry this may cause brown tips as well. Keep your peace lily near the window but a few feet away to make sure it gets indirect sunlight.

Philodendron Sheath

Gourd Bowl with Philodendron Sheath moss and Plumosum dried flower and 3 pear gourds - Please read full description. Both plants require moist.

Monstera Adansonii Fully Grown

Read on to see the full guide. It originates from Central America and was first discovered by French botanist Michel Adanson thereby becoming Adansons monstera.

Brown Spots Fiddle Leaf Fig

Root rot is one of the more serious conditions that a houseplant can suffer from. However brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig may also result from leaf bruising where a leaf has folded or cracked or from a specific leaf-orientated disease like bacterial leaf spot.

Small Bonsai Trees

They will produce a big red flower that easily attracts insects. They are planted in restrictive containers and their growth is determined by how large the gardener allows it to grow and so their size can range from 3 inches to 60 inches.

Variety Of Philodendron Plants

The philodendron flower is an actual plant that fits perfectly into any interior. Variegated Philodendron Minima variegated versions can sell for thousands while unvariegated versions stay affordable.

N'joy Pothos Care

But since pothos attractiveness as a houseplant is in its durability and ease of use we give the win to the Pearls and Jade. Pothos N Joy plants are also known as Scindapsus aureum devils ivy golden pothos Phaphidophora aureu and Epipremnum pinnatum.

Gardenia Hardiness Zone

If you know your hardiness zone find the best plants or exciting garden ideas for your geographic area. Most cultivars are hardy only in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 and warmer but there are some cultivars labeled as cold-hardy that can withstand winters in zones 6b and 7.

Monstera Peru Propagation

Use a pair of clean sharp scissors to cut off a vine with a couple of healthy leaves. Start by choosing a healthy stem with at least 2 leaves on it.

Philodendron Micans Velvet

Philodendron Micans Velvet Leaf - Tanaman hias Houseplant philoRp25000. In any case this is a beautiful compact houseplant thats perfect for living rooms bedrooms and.

Peace Lily Care Brown Leaves

Generally experts recommend that you wait until the lily wilts slightly before watering it. Peace lily care and propagation.

Monstera Leaf Turning Yellow

If the lower leaves of your monsteras are the first ones to turn yellow overwatering is the cause. Yellow leaves indicate a problem that needs to be solved but unless the majority of the leaves are yellowing your monstera is probably a long way from death.

Pilea Peperomioides Care Light

Pilea Peperomioides are very easy to care for. They like temperatures between 65-75 F and lots of bright indirect sunlight.

How To Cut Pothos For Propagation

My Satin Pothos was getting a little scraggly. How to Propagate Pothos Plant in WaterStep 1.

Philodendron Hope Yellow Leaves

Thats because your philodendron pushes excess water bursting the veins on the ends. On the other hand too much fertilizer can cause salt build up in the soil and cause the leaf tips to burn.

Anthurium Plant Care Indoors

A flower that signifies love friendship and brings good luck upon those that possess them. As with most indoor plants your anthurium will do best when potted with a well-draining soil in a container that has good drainage.

Bonsai Water Slide

Banzai Jungle Blast Water Park Review. FInd all the Banzai waterslides sprinklers at Kohls right now.

Pothos Need Sunlight

This plant needs light for photosynthesis. Do golden pothos need sunlight.

Jupiter Bonsai

A five year old juniper bonsai tree crafted for anyone this tree has fresh green needles throughout the year. Is an Active company incorporated on December 4 2003 with the registered number P03000145567.

Black Spot On Fiddle Leaf Fig

Black spots on fiddle leaf fig. Its all part of owning these majestic and popular houseplants.

Can You Split Snake Plants

Of course the size of your plant will determine how many plants you can divide it into. However despite all these chances are that you could spot the snake plants splitting too.

Mature Split Leaf Philodendron

The Split-Leaf Philodendron also known as the Swiss cheese plant and Monstera deliciosa is a popular and captivating tropical plant known for its large heart-shaped leaves and rapid widespread growthPreferring high humidity and moderate to bright light the split-leaf philodendron is a dependable and sturdy indoor plant cultivated in tropical subtropical and. Also called the Winterbourn the cultivar grows in dense clumps.

Philodendron Selloum Watering

Soil should be allowed to dry a little bit before watering your Selloum plant again. Philodendron Selloum plants are also susceptible to mineral build up in the water.

Golden Pothos Yellow Leaf

Why Golden Pothos Leaves Turn Yellow. Root rots are often caused by soil-inhabiting fungi and overly moist soil.

Pothos How Often To Water

How often should you water Pothos. It is best to water just as it begins to wilt not after it has collapsed and.

Why Do Pothos Leaves Turn Yellow

Poor drainage and plant crowding favor their development. And when you notice the foliage turning yellow on many parts of a potted pothos including the younger growth root rot is the most likely culprit.

Bonsai Starter

This bonsai is also referred to as the elephant bush possibly because this bonsai will suck up water from the soil and store it in its trunk and leaves until it needs the water. Here we have another bonsai starter kit that comes with a tree not seeds.

Do Snake Plants Need A Lot Of Sunlight

Moreover the snake plants will tolerate a wide range of light conditions however they prefer indirect sunlight. However they also grow well albeit more slowly in shady corners and other low-light areas of the home.

Begonia Macula

For its appearance the flower received another name spotted or speckled begonia. Read on for everything you need to know about Begonia Maculata care and propagation.

Pearls And Jade Pothos Care

A slow grower the Pearls and Jade is also easy to maintain. They also do well in partial shade.

Philodendron Burkin

Philodendron Birkin Care Key Points Philodendron Birkin plant is a rare and easy-care houseplant which is a great indoor plant for beginners. Philodendron Birkin Care.

Bonsai Tree Beginner

This is the most basic style for bonsai trees and its usually the one beginners learn first. The seed packets are non-GMO and include Picea Mariana Black Spruce Jacaranda Mimosifolia Brazilian Rosewood Delonix Regia Flame Tree and Picea.

How To Care For A Begonia Maculata

Begonia Maculata care is easy. The important part of successful Begonia Maculata care is proper watering.

Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats

Thus the whole plant is deemed toxic with the seeds being the most toxic part of the plant. If they consume them in large quantities it could be even lethal for them.

Transplant Spider Plant Babies

Heres what you need to grow new plants from spider plant cuttings. Transplanting Spider Plant Babies.

White And Green Pothos

Global Green is a delightfully colorful new variety of pothos that features delightful green-on-green variegation -- the mid-green leaves feature darker green edges. You can fix the overwatering problem but these leaves arent going to turn back to green or variegated and thriving.

Rose Flower Kalanchoe

Among them Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Florist Kalanchoe is a quite popular succulent that bears bright red flowers typically resembling the rose blossoms. Kalanchoe Rose Flower Care.

Dark Spots On Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig Edema is the abnormal retention of water in the cells of the plant which burst and cause the tiny red spots which later turn to brown. Your plant definitely wants more than indirect sunlight.

Pothos N Joy Light

When it comes to colorful plants weve all fallen in love at one point or another whether it be with a Pink Rubber Tree an NJoy Pothos or the rare and elusive Variegated Monstera that seemingly only grows on Instagram. Pothos N Joy is an Aroid cultivar botanically known as the Epipremnum aureum N Joy.

Pink Philodendron

The Pink Congo Philodendron being an evergreen plant loves all seasons. The pink leaves revert to all green within 6-12 months so while its a nice Philodendron the Pink Congo is not an equal substitution for the pricey Princess.

How Often Do You Water Pothos Plants

This ensures that the roots of the plant stay moist but not overwatered. So the question is how ofter do you water a pothos.

Wild Monstera Deliciosa

A common mistake is to harvest the Monstera fruit before it is fully ripe. You can also leave the plant to grow on its own if you prefer a sprawled appearance.

Monstera Yellow Leaf

The leaves turn yellow mostly in winter due to too much watering and small amount of sunlight. Monstera leaves turning yellow due to pestsInfestation from pests such as mealy bugs spider mites or scale can change leaf color.

Bonsai Trees For Beginners Indoors

This beginner-friendly guide highlights our favorite species and outlines how to take care of a bonsai tree indoors. Thats one reason they can be difficult to grow.

Begonia With Pink Flowers

Wax leaf begonias are popular bedding plants that grow as annuals or warm-weather perennials. The color of begonia is typically pink white red yellow or purple.

Bonsai Tree Varieties

Black Olive tree species are among the most highly evaluated among Bonsai connoisseurs. The word Bonsai generally depicts to container grown miniature trees.

How Many Varieties Of Pothos Are There

15 TYPES OF POTHOS 1. The most common and widespread pothos variety the Jade pothos features dark-green heart-shaped leaves on long stems that can grow as long as 30 feet.

Difference Between Split Leaf Philodendron And Monstera

The easiest way to differentiate the Split Leaf Philodendron from Monstera Deliciosa is to examine the leaves. Philodendron bipinnatifidum and Philodendron selloum.

How To Take Care Of Anthurium

Therefore a chunky well-draining soil which will keep the soil from staying too moist for too long is the best medium to keep your plant in. Anthurium Magnificum Plant Care.

Yellow Kalanchoe Plant

Planted outdoors they normally flower in the spring but indoor plants can be coaxed into blooming nearly year-round. Kalanchoe flowers are usually brightly-colored mostly in.

Best Fertilizer For Anthurium

For healthy anthuriums that flower continuously it is best to apply a dilute solution of fertilizer to the water every third or fourth time you feed your plants. Proper care for anthuriums is not hard.

Gardenia Upright Tree

No shipments will be made outside the European Union. Maximize humidity and place in bright indirect light for a few weeks.

How Long Do Bonsai Trees Live For

The Ficus retusa Linn which is found at the Crespi Bonsai Museum in Italy is believed to be the oldest existing bonsai tree in the world at an estimated 1000years old. How long do bonsai trees live.

Philodendron Pothos Varieties

The most popular philodendron types. Complement your philodendron with these varieties.

Care For Pilea Plant

Pilea peperomioides is a low maintenance species that thrives in a bright spot near a window but it is best to keep the plant out of direct sunlight as too much direct sun can cause the leaves to burn. Pilea plants prefer a moderately rich well-draining potting mix.

Pothos Exotica Leaves

The borders of the leaves are also silver. Even though its called Satin.

Begonia Care Tips

Rex begonias tend to like average warmth and need a minimum temperature of 60 F in the winter months. Yet you have to be careful when you water your begonia luxurians since excess water in the substrate can lead to root rot.

Can Peace Lily Grow Outside

To grow successfully grow peace lilies outdoors try mimic their natural growing conditions as best you can. Potted Peace Lilies can be grown outside in the warm months of summer.

Repotting Philodendron Monstera

First fill a third of the new pot with new soil then put the Monstera with its root ball on it. Continue filling around with soil.

Pothos Leaves Turn Yellow

As mentioned before pothos likes to have the soil completely dry before watering it again. Pothos Leaf Yellowing Factors.

Caring For Bonsai Trees Indoor

If the soil is dry water generously until water begins to drip out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. This beginner-friendly guide highlights our favorite species and outlines how to take care of a bonsai tree indoors.

How To Grow Asparagus Fern

To grow well asparagus plants should be fed well and kept weed free. Reduce watering in autumn and water more sparingly in winter.

Monstera Swiss Plant

These holes give it another of its common names. Peat-based potting soil well-drained.

Large Philodendron Micans

Long Sun Exposure Partial Soil Type Loamy moist but well-drained Soil pH Acidic Bloom Time Spring summer Flower Color Green white Hardiness Zones 10a 10b 11a 11b Native Area North America Central America. The Philodendron micans is sometimes known as the Velvet Leaf Philodendron botanically Philodendron hederaceum var.

Bonsai All In One

Let Bonsai take care of the back-office work for you. Stay organized with Bonsais all-in-one time tracker automated timesheets and billing system Accounting Manage your finances easily with income reports expense tracking tax.

Cool Bonsai Pots

Bonsai Pots offers a collection of both glazed and unglazed bonsai pots. Its pot and the soil temperature can rise to very high degree when left in the sun cooking its tender roots like a pot of linguini.

Monstera With White

These plants tend to be harder to find and are therefore much more expensive. Variegated Red Varigated Leaves red-toned colours with green and yellow or white Varied Variegations can also be found in other plants such as fruit.

How To Take Care Of Pilea Plant

Do not worry if your Pilea doesnt grow as fast as before or doesnt make babies. Take it out of the pot and check the roots.

Monstera Deliciosa Light Needs

As the Swiss Cheese Plant is one which originates from the rainforest and usually lies on the bottom of the forest. For optimal growth you only need to water it once in a couple of weeks depending on the temperature and climate.

How To Care For Anthurium

The anthurium care instructions are only applicable for indoor species. Just put your plants in the proper location and water them properly.

Split Leaf Philodendron Moss Pole

If the plant is tall then it is recommended to check if the aerial roots are in compost and if they are not then place the roots in soil or on a moist moss pole. Common Problems FAQs.

Philodendron Scandens Oxycardium Heartleaf Philodendron

Dieffenbachiae were grown under 1500 3500 or 5500 ft-c light intensity and fertilized with 19-6-12 Osmocote at 4 8 or 12 g6-inch pot3-months. The heartleaf philodendron is native to parts of the Caribbean and the tropical rain forests of Central and South America.

Monstera Peru Care

Monstera Peru also known as Monstera Karstenianum is an easy to grow plant with uniquely textured leaves. Once or twice a week is a good frequency.

How Do I Take Care Of A Bonsai Tree

To understand how to do this you need to learn about the basics of bonsai trees and what will Take care of roots. Its important to note that water requirements generally depend on several factors.

Philodendron With White Stripes

Philodendron Birkin is such an interesting and beautiful houseplant with white striped variegation on dark-green waxy leaves that really looks spectacular. The Philodendron Birkin is an exciting and relatively new variety that bucks the trend when it comes to growth.

Philodendron Birkin Drooping

Any temperature below 50 o F will make your poinsettia plant limp and die. Imagine if an animal breaks a portion of a plant growing and living in the canopy of a tree another one will start growing from the broken.

Swiss Cheese Philodendron Care

Monstera is a relatively easy houseplant to grow though not completely care-free. Morning sun afternoon shade.

How To Replant Pothos Plant

Pothos OutdoorsStep 1Water the pothos generously one day before transplanting. Repot the Pothos in the Warmer Months.

Propagating Spider Plant Babies

Or you can cut them off and either root them in water or propagate your spider plantlets in a propagation box. This way it could take a little longer for the little plant to settle in grow roots and show new growth.

Brown Spots On Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves

Another cause can be insects but this is usually quite easy to spot as you will notice brown spots on fiddle leaf figs especially on the stems where the insects are attacking the plant. Fiddle leaf fig leaves Fig trees like to be in a room with adequate sunlight or too much direct sunlight but not directly by the window or it will overheat and cause brown spots and brown edges on their a few leaves.

Pothos N Joy Care Tips

Use these guidelines for the best results and healthiest growth. Keep your Pothos N joy plant in bright indirect sun to partial shade.

How To Propagate A Golden Pothos

The spring and summer are always the best time to propagate plants but I have propagated pothos all year. As far as soil goes a standard houseplant potting mix is perfectly fineGolden pothos is quite hardy and can survive without fertilizer for months on endYou dont need to be extremely careful when repotting because the plant is so hardyYou can simply clip the vines and root golden pothos in waterWhen you make your cutting remove the lowest leaves and place.

Monstera Thai Constelation

The variegation on a Thai Constellation looks like someone has just dropped a bucket of creamy paint on your plant. Monstera deliciosa Thai Constellation is an impressive spreading easy-to-grow and generally low maintenance plant.

How To Take Care Of A Kalanchoe

Like many succulents kalanchoe is a relatively hands-off species preferring plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil. Here are some tips on how to take care of your kalanchoe plant.

Different Types Of Monstera

Read through this article to learn about the different types of Monstera their features and care tips to pick the one most suited for your garden. Most people are familiar with Monstera Deliciosa Adansonii and Obliqua.

Propagation Pothos

Probably the easiest way to get your Pothos cuttings to root is to just place them in water. The best time to propagate golden pothos.

Philodendron Brasil Water

You can get it to grow faster by meeting its affinity for moist shady spots and watering it with untreated water. Any excess water in the saucer under the pot should be poured and emptied out.

How Often Should I Water My Pothos Plant

Given this how do I know when my pothos needs water. Change the water every 23 weeks.

How To Care For A Juniper Bonsai

Juniper Bonsai Care Guide Juniper Bonsai Bonsai Care Bonsai Tree Care Source:

Pothos Types Indoor

This plant among other types of pothos is easy to care for and will spice up your home as an indoor plant. 15 TYPES OF POTHOS 1.

Types Of Heart Leaf Philodendron

Philodendron MoonlightFluorescent green foliage can be a striking contrast to any background of this Heartleaf Philodendron hybrid. In this post we discuss both vining and bush philodendron and their varieties.

Bonsai Boy

Arboricola Schefflera Luseanne 4495 5295. As a highly successful family operated business we take great pride in providing special attention to each and every order.

Bonsai Lego Set

LEGO Ideas Home Alone Set 21330. Set for all seasons The LEGO Bonsai Tree includes two leaf variations.

English Ivy Spacing

This plant prefers bright light but it can also thrive well in the shade if you dont have a sunny and warm spot in your home. Variegated English Ivy Care.

Philodendron Prince

Native to Columbia the pink princess philodendron is a tropical aroid in the Araceae family. The most popular philodendron varieties are heartleaf velvet-leaf brasil and pink prince cultivars.

Pothos Pictures

Golden pothos in the basket epipremnum aureum in pot isolated on white background drevis ivy with copy space - pothos plant stock pictures royalty-free photos images. Browse 307 golden pothos stock photos and images available or search for spider plant or snake plant to find more great stock photos and pictures.

Pilea Peperomioides In Nature

Technically a Pilea can get all that it needs to grow when planted only in water. Plants in this family usually have stinging hairs filled with irritating histamines.

Monstera Siltepecana Holes

Monstera Siltepecana mature leaves have large holes around the midrib. Remember the node is where new leaves and roots grow out of the stem so this is why you need a node on your cutting.

Monstera Plant Albo

1 part peat 1 part coco coir 1 part perlite 1 part vermiculite ½ part sphagnum moss. Unlike the scattered variegation on the Constellation the Albo has solid chunks of white coloring.

Are Snake Plants Poisonous To Cats

Like the rest of the calatheas including species and varieties like Freddie medallion C. Although the Snake plant might pose a threat to your cats health condition its toxicity level is quite considerably low.

Monstera Deliciosa Variegata

We specialize in white and yellow variegated Monstera deliciosa plants. The Monstera deliciosa Variegata is easily recognizable due to its white patterns on the heart-shaped lobed leaves.

Pothos Plant Yellow Leaves

If the soil is regularly cycling between too dry and oversaturatedslowly draining it could be the source of your pothoss health problems. Sometimes your pothos plant will have yellowing leaves for completely benign reasons shedding of old leaves.

Broad Leaf Philodendron

The anthocyanin forms a red pigment on the leave. Another common name for this variety is Brandi Philodendron.

Bonsai Tree Tips

Here are eight tips to take care of your indoor bonsai tree plant. Make the cut just above a side branch that.

Big Begonia Maculata

Once you know the basics it is easy to care for this pretty houseplant. These evergreen perennial plants are native to the tropical rainforests in Brazil.

Spotted Begonia Plant

It will manage in moderate shade but prefers brighter light. The spots that develop are lesions that can eventually lead to cell death.

Brown Leaves On Peace Lily

Light water and fertilizer can all be a factor in the browning of peace lily leaves. Doing this 2-3 times a week in warmer drier climates should be the perfect amount.

Bonsai Tree At Home

40 Best Bonsai Trees Ideas For Home Decor Inspiration Bonsai Pohon Bonsai Ide Berkebun Source:

Can You Overwater A Peace Lily

Unfortunately many make this mistake and although peace lilies are hardy they will not enjoy getting too much water. Keep plants evenly moist by watering when soil feels dry to the touch.

Pilea Friendship Plant Care

Pilea involucrata is a tropical plant that needs warm temperatures and consistent humidity to thrive but other than that this plants needs are basic. Pilea are known for their bright green coin-shaped leaves.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Botanical Name

Ficus lyrata commonly called fiddle-leaf fig or banjo fig is native to Africa. List Of Classes UPOVINF124 French Common Names.

Brazil Pothos Care

To ensure that your pothos roots stay happy and healthy and that your plant gets enough nutrients to continue putting out new growth make sure to keep your pothos in an area that gets plenty of indirect or filtered sunlight since direct sunlight can sunburn your pothos and damage the foliage. If you want to grow Pothos outside be sure to give it a soil that is both efficient and moist.

Philodendron On Moss Pole

With this Micans in a new 6 inch pot it will be able to grow into this new moss pole for at least a couple of years. The Philodendron micans prefer bright indirect light but will tolerate low light so nearby a window would be perfect - dont forget to watch out for hot direct sunlight and water once the soil.

Pilea Brown Leaves

If its moist then hold off on watering until the soil dries all the way through the pot. You could also have bugs.

Pothos Plant Family

Pull off the bottom leaves and place the stem in a jar of water. The scientific name for pothos plants is Epipremnum Aureum the epi portion of which is derived from the Latin word for stem.

White Pothos Plant

A pothos or epipremnum aureum is a trailing vine with heart shaped leaves. In most varieties pothos leaves are streaked or spotted with patches of yellow or white.

Pothos Vine Plant

Species of Epipremnum aureum are also called golden pothos devils vine marble queen money plant and Ceylon creeper. Because its so sturdy you can keep your pothos plant alive quite easily as it can withstand a variety of environments.

Monstera Plant Light Needs

A good spot is a few feet away from a south-facing east-facing or west-facing window. Why Do Monstera Plants Need Light.

Pothos Heart Shaped Leaves

They have similar care requirements so this guide will cover these three genus. Neon is the most distinct variety among the Pothos.

How To Propagate A Pothos Plant

Another way is to make multiple cuts along the stem with a leaf and at least one node. I like pieces that are at least 6 inches long with 2-4 leaves.

Monstera Deliciosa Low Light

Monsteras are pretty hardy and can survive just fine in low light. Monstera is native to the jungles of Mexico and is also sometimes called split-leaf philodendron because the new leaves have a heart shape although it is not a true philodendron.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Toxic

Take care to keep your fiddle leaf fig away from your pets and children. In Short Yes the Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant is mildly toxic to cats and will cause oral and GI irritation.

Varieties Of Snake Plants

In reality this is only one snake plant variety the most common species. Moonshine Snake Plant.

Caring For English Ivy Indoors

Variegated cultivars can take medium light but be aware that their variegation will become less pronounced in less light. As mentioned above do this during the dry months for the plant.

Fiddle Fig Leaf Brown Spots

Here are the signs of bacterial infections in fiddle leaf figs. There are four reasons for brown leaves on Fiddle Leaf Fig.

How To Care For A Bonsai Tree Plant

This requirement can change. Feed a baobab bonsai a good-quality liquid fertilizer about once a month applying the fertilizer when you water the tree.

English Ivy Pot Size

Its mature size can stretch up to 100 feet in height. When you need to repot perhaps every 2 or 3 years you can do so at any time of the year using standard soil or basic potting compost.

Bonsai Lego

Relax to ASMR quality stereo sounds sights of pure LEGO builds in real time with parts satisfyingly clicking snapping together. This Bonsai Tree can be used a display model and really draws attention with the long but sturdy branhes.

Monstera Leaves Yellow And Brown

Older leaves on a Monstera plant turning yellow is to be expected. Generally Monsteras will thrive when placed in low to bright indirect sunlight.

Care For Pilea Peperomioides

They should be placed in an area of your home where they are out of reach of cold or hot drafts and in an area with a stable temperature. Before getting one of.

Ficus Bonsai Plant

The goal during repotting of your ficus bonsai trees root system is to keep it healthy by encouraging vigorous root growth and strengthening its overall health. KinoFarm is specialized in bonsai plants including ficus microcarpa cycas revoluta dracaena sanderiana and sansevieria trifasciata for markets of Oceania American Europe African Southeast Asia and the Middle East ect.

Asparagus Fern Large

Asparagus fly Platyparaea poeciloptera a fruit fly. The one common name that may be of some help is the asparagus fern because these plants do indeed belong to the Asparagus genus.

How To Repot A Monstera Plant

How to Repot a Monstera. I am going to repot it in some new soil that is.

Monstera Vine Types

Monstera plants can adapt easily but to allow them to grow well it needs space for the vines to climb up and leaves to stretch out. Adansons Monstera Swiss cheese vine plant.

Pink Princess Philodendron In The Wild

Its a rare black-leaf philodendron with hot pink variegation. Those leaves usually grow 1 to 2 feet long in the wild.

Propagate Spider Plant

Spider plant propagation simply involves planting the spiderette in a pot filled with any lightweight potting mix. What is a Spider Plant anyway.

Moss Pole Philodendron

Common climbing houseplants include monstera deliciosas monstera adansoniis pothos satin pothos heartleaf philodendrons brasil philodendrons arrowhead plants and more. Young philodendrons are attractive potted plants for homes and offices since they are accustomed to the low light levels of rainforests.

Heart Leaf Monstera

When Monsteras reach a span of about three feet fenestration begins meaning they start to grow new leaves with holes. Foliage is thick and leathery and may be slightly hairy.

Golden Pothos Propagation In Water

If possible find the root node. Put the stem in water if you want the roots to grow before you pot it.

Hardy English Ivy

It is a useful plant for erosion control on slopes. Boston ivy Parthenocissus tricuspidata is also cold tolerant hardy in USDA zones 4 through 8.

Variegated Pothos Varieties

Light plays a part too of course if your plant is somewhere too dark new growth will often be less variegated. Another peculiarity of this pothos type is the larger leaves that are wide and have wavy edges something thats unique to the Manjula pothos.

How To Take Care Of Begonia

Avoid overwatering as it can cause root rot and use proper well-drained soil. Only plant begonias outside in May when no more frosts are forecast.

Ginseng Ficus Bonsai

This type of bonsai can survive without direct sunlight but you will have a much happier and healthier tree if you place it near a window or an area that receives a lot of sunlight. It is most striking in appearance because it grows thick roots that stay exposed above the surface of the ground.

Moss Stick For Monstera

If youre adding a new moss pole you can stick it in the soil at this stage. The moss may be a little difficult to spread.

Kinds Of Monstera Plant

Choose this material if you are okay spending a little more money to give your Monstera a beautiful home. The Plant List includes 148 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Monstera.

Yucca Cane Plant Care

A yucca cane plant Yucca elephantipes also called spineless yucca can grow up to 30 feet tall on its cane-like trunk. When growing the yucca plant indoors try to locate it in a partially shaded area of bright but indirect light for better leaf color.

Neon Golden Pothos

230 Kč 200 Kč bez DPH. Epipremnum Neon Golden Potos průměr 12 cm Šplhavník.

Satin Pothos Vs Scindapsus

Scindapsus Pictus Leaves Yellowing. Its a hanging basket plant or you may trellis it even.

Friendship Plant Pilea Peperomioides

Pilea peperomioides is also known as friendship plant Chinese money plant pancake plant UFO plant lefse plant oh that fits in with my Norwegian heritage missionary plant bender plant or mirror grass. Because you had to know someone who knew someone who lived next door to someone who had a Pilea.

Philodendron Silver Ann

The leaf tips may brown if the air is too dry. Il ny a aucun article dans votre panier.

Spider Plant Toxic To Cats

Cats are curious by nature and they love to explore. It is still suggested that cats eating spider plant leaves may pose a possible risk.

Philodendron Brasil Variegated

Philodendron Brasil is a variegated type of Philodendron which is a cultivar of the heartleaf Philodendron. Mexico Brazil the West Indies.

Types Of Snake Plants

Requires lots of light. Patula Boncel by Marlon Machado is licensed under CC BY-NC 20.

Monstera Albo Plant

The white and green variegated leaves can grow between 10 and 35 25 90 cm long and up to 30 75 cm wide. A Swiss cheese plant has sold for almost 5000 after botanists battled for the monstera in a fierce online bidding war.

How Big Do Philodendron Birkin Get

Philodendron Birkin plants as mentioned are tropical plants. How big does Philodendron Birkin get.

10 Fiddle Leaf Fig

Anything lower than a 6 on your soil pH meter will be too acidic. There are three reasons you might want to grow a fiddle-leaf fig tree in your home.

Peace Lily Yellow

That being said its easy to get overexcited and give more water than it needs. The yellowing will occur with other signs like leaves wilting or drooping browning curling or leaf burn brown tips and edges.

Gardenia Planting Zone

Gardenias thrive best in zones 8-10 although they have been known to grow moderately well in zone 7. When to Plant Gardenias.

1000 Year Old Bonsai Tree

The most important consideration is location It is much easier to grow bonsai trees outside than indoors. This Ficus Bonsai is estimated to be one thousand years old one of the oldest Bonsai trees we know.

Repotting Monstera Plant

This can also be a signal that the air is too dry but Id recommend checking the roots too so see if outgrowing its pot could be the cause. Leave us a comment and dont forget to subscribe.

Philodendron Pertusum Vs Monstera

Although found on the internet as Philodendron pertusum that name is not applicable within science to this species. From 3 to 4 per year in period of vegetative growth.

Leaves Turning Yellow On Pothos

Nutrient deficiency is another common cause of satin pothos turning yellow. There are a number of different reasons for yellowing leaves in the pothos plant.

Gardenia Climate Zone

About 80 of orchids are natives of tropical latitudes but a surprising number of terrestrial orchids are hardy some even able to fearlessly withstand temperatures below -22F -30C. When temperatures are over 55 degrees F you can plant a potted gardenia outdoors.

Ficus Ginseng Bonsai Care

Versatile and hardy the ficus ginseng is a bonsai that can easily be adapted to any bonsai form or style. If you set your bonsai in direct sunlight the intense lighting will burn the leaves.

Care Peace Lily Flower Turning Brown

We have the reasons for peace lily flower turning brown like too much light water issues overwatering underwatering or water quality extreme. Once the blooms on a Peace Lily plant turn brown they need to be trimmed for better growth.

White Spotted Begonia

Excess light temperature stress pest infestation diseases. The upper surface of the leaf is dark green with silvery-white spots while the reverse is.

Philodendron 'prince Of Orange'

Philodendron Mccolleys Finale was obtained more than 60 years ago by hybridizing unknown philodendrons. The Prince of Orange is a colorful variety of the Philodendron family of plants that gets its name from its hued leaves that change color over time.

How Big Does Monstera Adansonii Grow

Without being provided some direction a Monstera deliciosa will usually get large and a bit messy within a few years which is why many plant owners like to train their Monstera to grow a. Its exposure to direct light water and soil can lead a growth.

Small Monstera Deliciosa

Deliciosa but you may find it being incorrectly sold as Philodendron pertusum or a Split leaf Philodendron especially if the plant you are looking at is very small. As these winter days become shorter there.

Juniper Pine Bonsai

The live vein is strong and well defined. In 1981 a 250-year-old juniper bonsai tree reportedly sold for a mind-blowing 2000000 US dollars but a picture remains to be found.

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Pothos

A close relative of both pothos Epipremnum and philodendron its much less common. The leaves are more like Pothos thicker than regular philo scandens heart leaf philo.

Small Brown Spots On Fiddle Leaf Fig

If you are noticing light brown crispy edges around the plants leaves it may be under-watered. Fiddle leaf fig leaves turning brown is a common issue.

Heart-leaf Philodendron

Oxycardium are a vining type of philodendron with dark green heart-shaped leaves generally 24 inches in size. Heart Leaf Philodendron is typically a vining plant that can tolerate shade.

Pothos Silver Ann Care

Satin Pothos prefers a well draining potting mix and something to climb on. The Silver Satin Scindapsus pictus is native to Southeast Asia and has the reputation of being one of the easiest houseplants to keep alive.

Juniper Bonsai Fertilizer

Junipers produced for Bonsai are often heavily wired when they are very young. Junipers can be bent aggressively but be sure to wrap branches with raffia or tape for protection.

How To Root Monstera

The node should have a nub an emerging aerial root that is crucial for rooting purposes. Rooting into water.

Birkin Philodendron Size

The Birkin Philo is a climber and needs a vine support. Philodendrons come in diverse colors and types of foliage which makes them stand out.

Philodendron Brasil Plant Care

Water when the top part of the soil is dry. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged.

Bonsai Japanese Juniper

Pin On Bonsai Store Source:

Asparagus Fern Indoor Plant

It adjusts well to average indoor conditions. They dont succumb easily to those quintessential adversaries of indoor plants.

Hawaiian Pothos

Hawaiian Pothos is a cultivar of Golden Pothos due to selective breeding. Hawaiian Pothos is a cultivar of Golden Pothos due to selective breeding.

How To Take Care Of Asparagus Fern

Asparagus plumosa ferns thrive in average room temperatures. These are the oldest and this is the way the plant keeps itself under control.

Large Leaf Begonia

This plant has developed at the base a caudex. The flowers vary from white to light pink or pink or red.

Swiss Cheese Monstera Adansonii

Swiss cheese plants Monstera adansonii and Monstera delicosa only need a little bit of water about once a week making them an ideal choice for beginners. Monstera adansonii is also called the Swiss cheese plant because of its leaves that look like holes cut out from a slice of Swiss cheese.

Scindapsus Pictus Satin Pothos

Scindapsus Pictus or the more common name satin pothos is a vine plant that has dark green heart-shaped leaves. This tropical plant from the Araceae family has leaves that are green or silver-grey.

Bacterial Leaf Spot Fiddle Leaf Fig

Multiple yellow almost always means too much water. Bacterial Infection in Fiddle Leaf Figs Photos.

Pothos Pink Princess

A lot of aerial roots are produced by healthy pink princess. The name Philodendron means tree lover and in the wild philodendrons do indeed grow straight up the trunks of trees attaching.

Albino Monstera Deliciosa

Pin On Plants Source:

Type Of Snake Plants

The snake plant world has become a bit confusing in previous years. Here are some of the common types of sansevieria snake plants.

Moss Pole Monstera Deliciosa

Grant Certified Urban Agriculturist Printer Friendly Version. No need to unsettle the plant a moss pole can be installed either way.

Best Philodendron

In this post we discuss some of the best Climbing Philodendron types. It has dark green leaves with a chartreuse center reminiscent of the flag of Brazil for which it is said to be named.

Bonsai Plants Care

Caring for your bonsai is a little more complex than your average houseplant but it really comes down to mastering a few key steps. Youre essentially creating a microclimate for your bonsai.

Can I Put My Peace Lily Outside

Thats why they do well indoors- away from sunny windows. Peace Lilies can easily survive outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10-12.

Split Leaf Philodendron Cats

Young plants have sturdy. If your kitten chews your philodendron paws.

Types Of Begonia Plants

Begonia plants are also suitable for environmental conditions that every plant enthusiast can recreate in their home. It blooms from late spring until the fall and it does best in well-drained fertile soil.

Prince Orange Philodendron

If the temperature gets warmer just place the plant in filtered light and hydrate sufficiently. Mark unread Print Skip to new.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Indirect Light

Why Fiddles Get Leggy. We recommend bright filtered light like you would get through a large window with a sheer curtain.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Wiki

Fiddle leaf figs are a relatively low maintenance plant that can add some natural tropical vibes to your home. Keep it in a bright spot.

Caring For A Bonsai Tree

When you have found out the essentials of taking care of the indoor Bonsai Tree you will find these to be fantastic plants for your home. You can choose a deciduous sub-tropical or tropical bonsai tree and read up on the different specific ways to take care of it.

Monstera Vs Monstera Deliciosa

The price is cheaper than the deliciosa type and it also depends on how big the plant is. Monstera borsigiana grows faster than monstera deliciosa but monstera borsigiana is a short plant while monstera deliciosa can grow to 9 feet tall.

Philodendron Vine Care

I am often asked how I keep my vining houseplants--pothos and philodendron--lush full long and healthy. Place the node into a jar with water.

Monstera Turning Yellow

This is a completely natural occurrence and part of the plants life cycle. The leaves on your Monstera could be turning yellow for a number of reasons.

Philodendron Safe For Cats

Is Philodendron Safe For Cats. The philodendron family which includes Swiss cheese plant heartleaf and fiddle-leaf philodendron have a toxicity level of mild to moderate for cats and dogs.

Gardenia Standard Tree

Gardenias perform best in day temperatures between 65-70 degrees F 18-21 degrees C and night temperatures between 60-65 degrees F. Youll love it both in bloom and out.

Anthurium Crystalinum

2 99. Anthuriums are widely enjoyed as outdoor plants in trop.

Philodendron Pet Safe

The ASPCA website lists the Heartleaf Philodendron one of the most common philodendron varieties as toxic to cats dogs and even horses. But many cats enjoy a munch on the green leaves and the flowers that we keep potted on the living room mantlepiece and some of them can be highly toxic to our pets.

Decorative Grow Lights For Indoor Plants

TORCHSTAR PAR38 LED Plant Bulbs Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Bulb for Flowers and Fruit E26 Base. Track lighting on a new level.

Types Of Pothos Plants

5-12 feet The green foliage of golden pothos is splashed with a somewhat golden or yellow color. Here are 15 stunning Pothos varieties that you can grow at home.

Silver Pothos Light

Fortunately silver pothos recover fairly well if you. Contrary to its common names the plant isnt a Pothos but a Scindapsus as the botanical name shows.

Lego Bonsai Tree Pink

Includes interchangeable pieces so you can style the bonsai tree model with classic green leaves or vibrant pink cherry blossom blooms. Includes interchangeable pieces so you can style the bonsai tree model with classic green leaves or vibrant pink cherry blossom blooms.

Axillary Bud Monstera

Sometimes the axillary bud is underneath an old calloused part of a stem and is harder to locate. It really depends on the plant and while I dont have one I have heard the variegated monstera can be slow going.